Reusable Lunch Bag

Reusable Lunch Bag

Yongxin, ib qho ntawm Reusable Lunch Bag Chaw tsim tshuaj paus thiab exporter nyob rau hauv Suav teb. Insulated Lunch Bags for Women Men - Reusable Cooler Lunch Box for Office Work School Picnic Beach Workout Travel Gym- Freezable Tote Lunch Bag Organizer with Adjustable Shoulder Strap for Adult Kids

Xa lus nug

Product Description

Reusable Lunch Bag

Yongxin yog Tuam Tshoj tuam ntxhab & cov chaw muag khoom uas feem ntau tsim lub hnab noj su nrog ntau xyoo ntawm kev paub. Cia siab tias yuav tsim kev lag luam kev sib raug zoo nrog koj.

Reusable Lunch Bag

Kev lag luam thiab xws li style tsim, Haum rau chaw ua haujlwm gladiator thiab kev lom zem hnub so

· ★THERMAL INSULATED: Hauv ob sab phlu nrog tuab aluminium ntawv ci, sab hauv padded nrog 5 hli tuab rwb thaiv tsev hlaws ua npuas ncauj, tiv thaiv nrog 300d dej resistant matte ntaub, Tiblue noj su lub thawv yog tsim los nrog triple Insulated kom cov zaub mov nyob txias / sov / tshiab rau teev, zoo meej rau cov zaub mov ntawm qhov mus, noj mov, kev mus ncig, noj su hauv chaw ua haujlwm, tsev kawm ntawv, puam thiab ntau dua! Niam lub txiaj ntsim zoo rau koj niam ntxim hlub.

· ★ SPACIOUS & MULTI COMPARTMENTS: Tiblue noj su lub hnab (11 × 6.5 × 9 nti) yog tsim los rau kev khaws cia siab tshaj plaws, 1 lub ntsiab zipped compartment, 1 preposition velcro hnab tshos, 1 zip hnab tshos, tsis tsuas yog muab koj nrog ntau qhov chaw ntim. tag nrho koj cov khoom noj thiab khoom noj txom ncauj uas koj xav tau txhua hnub, nrog rau ntim koj cov yawm sij, phaib, xov tooj chargers, napkins, fwj dej, tais diav, pos hniav lossis lwm yam khoom me me uas koj xav tau txhua hnub.

· ★TH NRHIAV NYIAJ NYIAJ: Tiblue reusable noj su lub thawv nta ruaj ruaj thiab tuaj nrog ib tug tshem tau thiab adjustable lub xub pwg pluaj uas tuaj yeem hloov kho ntawm 18 "mus rau 28" thaum nqa, muab peb txoj hauv kev nqa: lub xub pwg hnab, oblique hnab los yog lub hnab zam . Padded mos pluaj kom xis nyob nqa. Kev qhib dav dav ua rau nws yooj yim rau sau thiab nqa zaub mov. Niaj hnub nimno thiab lub teeb yuag tsim yog yooj yim los siv raws li koj lub hnab noj su, lub hnab txias, hnab picnic, sundry hnab los yog lub hnab khw.

· ★ HIGH QUALITY: Tiblue insulated noj su lub hnab yog ua dawb los ntawm PVC, BPA, phthalate & txhuas cov ntaub ntawv. Khoom kim heev hlau SBS dual zippers, ruaj ntseg zipper kaw thiab hlau buckle kom du qhib, rip-resistant & siab tshaj plaws durability. tuab aluminium ntawv ci liner yog yooj yim los ntxuav. Yog tias cov kua ntses nchuav rau hauv, tsuas yog so nws nrog cov ntaub ntub dej lossis cov ntaub so ntswg. Premium composite waterproof ntaub yog resistant rau qias neeg thiab abrasion, tiv thaiv koj pluas su thiab khoom nyob rau hauv los ntawm tej lub sij hawm splatters los yog lub teeb los nag.

· ★ 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Tiblue lub hom phiaj ua kom koj lub neej yooj yim dua thiab noj qab nyob zoo, muab lub hnab ntim khoom noj su zoo los pab koj thiab koj tsev neeg tau txais kev noj qab haus huv thiab noj qab nyob zoo txhua lub sijhawm thiab nyob qhov twg koj nyiam. Peb yuav ib txwm sawv tom qab peb cov khoom. Yog tias koj tsis yog 100% txaus siab rau peb cov khoom, thov koj xav tiv tauj peb rau kev daws teeb meem.

Reusable Lunch Bag

KHOOM NTAUB NTAWV: Sab hauv nrog tuab aluminium ntawv ci, sab hauv padded nrog 5 hli tuab rwb thaiv tsev hlaws ua npuas ncauj, tiv thaiv nrog 300d dej resistant matte ntaub. Tiblue noj su lub hnab yog tsim nrog plaub Insulated kom cov zaub mov nyob txias / sov / tshiab rau 4-8 teev.

CONVENIENT: Kev tuav ruaj khov thiab tshem tau & kho lub xub pwg pluaj muab koj nrog peb txoj kev nqa thiab nqa tau yooj yim. Kev tsim kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws muab rau koj nrog ntau qhov chaw los ntim tag nrho koj cov khoom noj & khoom noj txom ncauj uas koj xav tau tag nrho ib hnub.


· Dej tsis sib haum

· BPA dawb & SAFE





Reusable Lunch Bag

Peb lub thawv ntim khoom noj su ua raws li cov txheej txheem nruj thiab cov qauv zoo, ua DAWB los ntawm PVC, BPA, phthalate & txhuas cov ntaub ntawv. Khoom kim heev hlau SBS dual zippers, ruaj ntseg zipper kaw thiab hlau buckle kom du qhib, rip-resistant & siab tshaj plaws durability thiab ntev siv.

SIZE: 11 x 6 x 9 INCH

· Muaj Peev Xwm: 12 CAN

· PIB: 12 ​​OZ

Reusable Lunch Bag

Vim li cas thiaj xaiv YONXING Lunch Hnab?

4 txheej rwb thaiv tsev

Khaws koj cov zaub mov txias / sov / tshiab rau 4-8 teev


Qhov siab tshaj plaws muaj peev xwm haum 12cans ntawm 355ml dej qab zib

Yooj yim ntxuav

Tsuas yog so nws nrog napkin yog tias zaub mov nchuav


Yooj yim nqa thiab zoo meej rau kev noj mov, kev mus ncig, thiab lwm yam.

Reusable Lunch Bag


Koj tuaj yeem nqa tau raws li lub xub pwg hnab, lub hnab xa xov lossis hnab tes


Lub hnab ntim ruaj khov rau pem hauv ntej muab ntau qhov chaw rau koj ntim koj cov khoom siv txhua hnub, xws li cov yuam sij, xov tooj ntawm tes, phaib, daim ntaub so ntswg, cov tais diav, thiab lwm yam.


Lub hnab zipper ruaj khov muab koj qhov chaw ntxiv rau lwm yam khoom me me uas koj xav tau txhua hnub xws li khoom noj txom ncauj, mem pleev di ncauj, pos hniav, xov tooj chargers, thiab lwm yam.

Niaj hnub nimno thiab lub teeb yuag tsim ua rau nws yooj yim rau nqa mus rau qhov chaw noj mov, noj mov, kev mus ncig, noj su hauv chaw ua haujlwm, tsev kawm ntawv, puam thiab ntau dua!

Hot Tags: Reusable Lunch Bag, Tuam Tshoj, lwm tus neeg, manufacturers, customized, Hoobkas, luv nqi, nqe, nqe teev, hais, zoo, zoo nkauj
Xa lus nug
Thov koj xav tias dawb muab koj qhov kev nug hauv daim ntawv hauv qab no. Peb yuav teb koj hauv 24 teev.
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